And Then What?
Grandpa Dennis came home yesterday with a bundle under his arm. The bundle was navy blue flannel bags sewn with lots of gold thread and gathered up with gold cords. Who knew that this is how Crown Royal is marketed in the liquor stores? I still do not know what Crown Royal is.
Grandson Ryan has tricked out his garage for a hangout where he and his friends can gather. I can hear the gears of his gray matter as he cranked out the thought, “Who else could make a window curtain out of egg-shaped liquor bags but . . . Grandma Noreen?!” I do not want to know what expanse of time it took him to collect these or how much each bag represents in dollars.

Imagination was at a peak today on Stauffer . . . kind of like making a purse out of a pig’s ear.
Why not just hit this project for all I had, as my sewing table was not lacking for projects awaiting finishing work. This needed a fast turn around. It didn’t make the project easier as there were various sizes of the egg-shaped bags. Dennis lent a hand at the ironing board, all the while being careful to stay on the wrong side of these bags once they were taken apart and trying to lay flat. Totally sewn with gold thread, it was more like plastic that melted in a puddle if hit with the hot iron. My challenge at the sewing machine was dodging the metal eyelets that were corralling the gold braid.
I do believe part of the draw and charm of this product is the bag that is dripping with gold adornment. Banking on that assumption, I decided to keep as much of the bling appeal as possible as I know the remainder of Ryan’s garage setting is quite “out there.” Ryan’s garage decor screamed for something that would not, could not, be duplicated in any of his buds’ garages. The end result was a curtain for a 46 x 27 inch window opening.
The finishing of this project meant a cleaning of my sewing area. These little bags were messy with fragments of lint once the original bags were cut in to.
Who knows what will be the next request of the Stauffer Avenue Sewing Center? I am always open to listening and then trying. The results of what they may get is still a “take it or leave it.”