And the Angels Sang

Sewing-Table-CrankWith the mail delivery . . . the angels sang!  The crank for my sewing table came from Home Depot.  True to their word it came in 10 working days.  I will put a very bright string on it and put it away from my actual sewing table.  The loss of the original crank put the fear of God in me.  When I do hang up this crank, Dennis will know where it is as well as my kids.

Yesterday we traveled to Eden Prairie as Dennis was invited as a guest of grandson Nicholas for the Veteran’s Day program.  What a treat to see the entire student body, first through eight, wave their American flags as the veterans walked in.  Nicholas plays the saxophone in the school band.  The program was appropriate and met with an enthused audience.  Nicholas is as tall as grandpa.  Next year Nicholas will be in high school.   

We had arrived at Carrie’s in the late forenoon yesterday so we could visit a bit.  It also gave us a chance to visit with Megan.  One of the school’s sport teams had made it to state and the school body was to work at their studies from home.  Megan will be leaving on her senior class trip November 16th for eight days traveling by American Airlines to Porto Rico.  We had to give hugs to this young lady that we had the privilege to grow up with.  Yes, I said that correctly . . . Megan taught the two of us a lot over the years when she would stay with us.

We arrived home at six safe and sound.  It had been a long time since we had driven in the dark.  The wind had been strong all day and the evening hours brought a chill that one could not mistake.  Winter was on its way.

This morning our ground was white.  You would have thought as nice at the days prior had been, the snow would not have lasted.  Last it did.

Enjoy the weekend and know that whatever had not gotten done outside is a true testament to: would have, could have and should have.  Had it not been for the ole cowboy, I would be hanging my head.