A Replacement

2016 Cactus 002 (400x300)

Prickly Pear Cactus do have beautiful blossoms. They don’t last very long. The stickers, on the other hand, become a very long drawn out process should you brush the greenery and get them in your hand. Even a garden hose that happens to brush them will retain the fine whisker-like, small stickers that can be felt, but are hard to see.

Moss Roses

Last fall we dug out the cactus and this spring we put in 8 plants of Moss Roses. The blooms are continuous and the greenery does not leave a lasting effect when touched. I am hoping that the beauties will drop a lot of seeds. Next spring I will keep a vigilant watch in the hope that they have self-seeded. The exchange . . . a very good thing.