All is Well

No matter where I look, I see no snow.  I see the city streets wet but that may be due to the warm temps in the 50s making them sweat.

I am maintaining a schedule spending time in the studio, but not over-doing it.  I need to do a balancing act.  If I over-stay my welcome, it might become such that I don’t get to visit at all.  I have lived within this body for over 80 years.  I know enough to listen to it when it gives me signals.  The most important thing is that I am happy with what my days hold for me.  I am content knowing what my limits are.

There is only one thing that I need to police myself on.  I am a duty bound care-giver and that aspect could get away from me.  What I have implemented is tough-love.  I am a firm believer in trying.  I am a firm believer in thinking things through with logic and seeking solutions.  If both elements come back in a zero, then we will talk.

The only grocery item that surprised me last week when I was in our grocery store in regard to price was Bisquick.  It was $7.49 for a not very large box.  I use Bisquick in the concoction I make when coating chicken or Tilapia for pan frying.  I always use it for making pancakes.  Grant it, a box kept in the refrigerator does last a long time. 

That being said, that is what I am preparing for supper.  I can’t remember the last time.  The reason being, I have a hard time getting the wrist to accomplish a good flip of the pancakes.

We had Subway last night and it was refreshing and tasty.  Splitting a 12″ does us just fine.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥