After a humid start to the day, the afternoon was perfect to be outside. I did do a bit of weed-whipping in the far east portion of the acre and sure enough, the biting bugs let me know I was more than welcomed. It has been an easy season thus far keeping up with all the flowerbeds. I am a firm believer in using Preen on newly tilled dirt. The weeds that do need to be attended to are those that are snuggled right up next to the stems of the perennials.

I had the scare of Snuggles’ life today. The overhead garage door to the car needed to be put down before the heat of the afternoon sun crept into the garage. As the door was coming down I couldn’t figure out what was scrapping. It was Snuggles. He had gotten on the rafters via my car and then hopped over to lay on top of the garage door. He was scrambling to keep ahead of the door closing hoping to be able to jump back on the rafters. By the time I stopped the door at four foot from totally closing, Snuggles jumped out and down onto the driveway. The fur on his back definitely was ruffled from the narrow . . . literally narrow, escape. Dang kids.