Adventures on Stauffer

The Northen Red Oak puts on a great fall showing.
Yet another nice day given to us, so outside, here we come. Potted plants seem to avoid the first few frosts, but in time the colors wane and their prime time is past. When I began the work outside, my fingers were cold with the mid-40 degree temps. I had hoped the sun would have been there right from the start, but that took a bit before the fingers felt just enough air temperature difference when the sun did show itself to feel good. Sunshine makes this time of year the most beautiful possible. I truly love being outside. There are not enough colors in an artists pallet to copy Mother Nature.
There is no place safe from Butter Ball. He is the most curious cat Dennis and I have ever known. Honey Bunny is our first garage kitty, but she has had an attitude from day one: “Don’t pick me up and don’t expect me to sit on your lap . . . I’m not doing it.” Butter Ball is usually only one tail length from where the action is and ready to be petted. Yesterday when the fellow from the lumberyard was here and had used the six foot ladder to work on the garage opener, Butter Ball was on his hind feet with his front feet on the first rung of the ladder, ready to get in on the action. Big time nose problem is what that cat has. Come to think of it, his nose is always a bit smudged.
I have had bad luck with a concrete bird bath. In the spring, the black birds would clean their nests and drop the goodies into the bath. After that time of the year the algae was hard to control. The last several years I have put dirt in the top and planted my Hen and Chicks in it. They have very shallow roots and there is always a crown of green to enjoy. This time of the year, Dennis takes the top and nestles it in the flower garden so the leaves will cover it and protect the plants from freezing out. Dennis had no more set the bird bath top down and Butter Ball was in it with both front feet clawing at the cactus and soil. There was no stopping that kitten from playing in his next new toy. We finally had to cover it with a grate and it was laughable watching Butter Ball trying his darnedest to get at the soil.
My next best choice to get the cat waylaid was to head out to the far gardens and begin putting stakes in the ground to mark where the Hosta would be appearing next spring. The romping and stomping never quit until I did. The little fellow makes a great shadow.

A hard day of gardening calls for Butter Ball
to have a nap with his blue teddy bear.
There is a down side. Butter Ball follows us right up to the back door of the house and is brought up short when we get in the house and get the door closed before he can follow us in. I am sure this does puzzle him as he is right behind us any other time. Letting him in the house one time, knowing that we do not want a house cat, would be very cruel to Butter Ball when it would not be usual and customary. The garage porch is heated all winter with various chairs sporting cushions stuffed with odds and ends of quilt batting to curl up on. Dennis spends a lot of time in the porch watching TV or entertaining fellows as they talk shop about gun collecting. Butter Ball’s existence will be limited to the porch and will not lack for attention, warmth or food. I am just not ready to cat proof the home nor try to protect the home from those busy claws. As winter becomes serious, it will give Honey Bunny a chance to spend more time with Butter Ball. Right now they are normal siblings: Honey being the biggest and oldest, is swiping and hissing at the wee one. Honey Bunny will soon realize that this little nurtured Butter Ball may soon out-weigh him. Welcome to the real world.
In life, please remember to give and have no memory of it, or take and remember it always.