A Welcomed Rain

Right along with the welcomed rain was thunder.  It sounded great.  This would have been the first good rain to wash off a lot of the old winter’s dirt.  Just because the snow has melted, doesn’t mean all the snirt is gone.

I, after some laundry this morning, the studio was my plan.  The fireman’s t-shirts were cut down and with the steam iron on high, I began ironing shape flex on the back of the saved designs.  It is a slow process.  Getting the stabilizer on the back with enough heat so it will withstand lots of handling as we go forward to making a quilt, take that back, making two twin-sized quilts.

I think my ole cowboy over did it yesterday.  Dennis so wanted to mow some of the greenery on the barn acre.  It’s green but not lawn green.  Getting a jump on it was a good thing.  It would not have had to have been done in one day.  All that I can do is to make sure he stays upright until he himself calls it a day.  Dennis never lacks ambition.  Like myself, the mind tells us we can but the body has the last word.  A good day of rest watching television in the patio porch with a cat now and then allowing Dennis to vent to it . . . it’s a good thing.

I slept until 7:30 this morning.  My bedtime remains at nine at night.  If I go too far beyond that bedtime, I get really tippy.  There ya go!  My body has the last word and I very seldom go against the ole body.

Cool temps are here again.  It’s bound to change many times in the month of May.

Enjoy what is left of the weekend, I sure am.