A Wednesday

A cold morning allows for deeper sleep.  I must say sometimes there is a restlessness in the house.  That happened Tuesday during the night with Dennis.  By 2:30 a.m. we were done sleeping.  I didn’t nap yesterday and I was in bed by nine last night.

I am usually in bed by nine as it feels so good for my challenged body to lay flat and unwind even if sleep doesn’t come until much later as Dennis goes to bed by 11 p.m.  Last night I believe I was asleep by the time my head hit the pillow.  I slept hard and fast and didn’t wake up this morning until I heard the school bus stop across the street.

This is something happening on Stauffer Avenue.  I can tell you, spring cannot come soon enough.  Dennis is caught up on anything that may have needed to be done in the garages and the patio porch.  When Dennis goes out to the patio porch, the RFD television channel is on . . .  there is a cat on his lap . . . and Dennis is sound asleep.  This goes on multiple times during the day and after supper.  It is no wonder he doesn’t sleep well during the night.  This is happening with several of his friends of his same age as well.  Idle hands causes the eyes to be checked for cracks. 

If it were not for me being on top of Dennis’ health, I am seriously contemplating wearing a mask during the night, so when a light goes on in the house, it wouldn’t wake me and also purchasing a pair of ear plugs.  The old adage: “Hear no evil, see no evil and do no evil.”  Hmm . . . perhaps a hammock strung in the patio porch would work.

Cold-Temp-SewingOnce I am up, I have my schedules on the ground floor for tidy, tidy.  About noon, I am ready to hit the studio.  I may not always be stitching, but I can keep busy.   Today I stitched out a few more blocks of the grouping for the Red, White and Bloom series.  I checked the booklet and I am now ready to trim each block to the size needed to make the mini-quilt.  That task is a bit hard on the back and hands, allowing for slow and steady.

Yesterday when June and I went for our Shingles shot, she commented that now at the age of 80, she wished she had picked up some crafting or sewing.  This is June’s first season of winter in her apartment.  June had always done her own yard work.  With spring coming, she is in for a challenge when there is nothing but her apartment to care for. 

The only sideeffect I have from the Shingles shot is a bit of a sore left injection site.  Good going.