A Tuesday
A day when things are looking up.
First off, Dennis had a good report from the wound doctor at our local physical therapy department. The wound is looking good with good pink tissue. Dennis asked if the wound still needed changing every day. The response: “It is looking so good from what was the onset, why change what is being done.” That was all I needed to hear from Dennis. I am on board to a daily change out of the wound dressing.
I had a great day in the studio. By two this afternoon I was ready to close down shop. Of the 30 t-shirt quilt blocks, 19 of them have the quarter inch border sewn in place. I have all the half inch fabric cut for the remaining 11 blocks. Many of the sewn blocks need to have the border fabric trimmed down. When things are going great it is time to take a break before I screw something up. Dennis came down to check on things. He is ready to see how these blocks will be aligned one unto another for the total quilt top look. That may happen this weekend.
Tomorrow afternoon, my friend Ann is coming back for another sewing session. I know myself well enough that that will be the end of the studio time.
Before I shut all the lights off in the studio today, I need to give my machine some oil and check to see if there is any of the threads and fuzz to be cleaned out as well.
As wonderful luck would have it, there is one more sunset meal left of the tuna dish. Sweet.