The True Story

Our beloved Snuggles is always up for a challenge. He has ridden our patio umbrella like a tilt-a-whirl in times past. Today out of the blue there were branches shaking as I looked out the kitchen window. When I went outside there was Snuggles in the crab apple tree.

The true story of this: You can’t be brave unless you are scared. Snuggles took quite a bit of time checking out the roof of the house. Too bad I didn’t have a nanny-cam on him so I could have done an up close and personal look as to how all the shingles were holding up. Snuggles would stand at various portions of the roof and meow. Snuggles meowed a lot. Snuggles did venture to the opposite end of the house . . . eyeing up the awning for a return descent. In time he decided to come down the same way he went up. Jumping from the tree to the house roof seemed a lot easier than standing on the roof line eyeing up spindly branches for the return flight. I waited him out on the patio drinking my morning coffee. Before long there he was, panting as if he had run a mile. He had been scared once he was aloft but decided the brave thing was to return with all four paws on solid ground. Thinking of my own life . . . I know there were times when it was scary to be brave.