A Trip to the Big Town

We headed out to Mankato today for various errands.  How can the older folks on Stauffer have “various errands?”

The hardware store in town is not handling the brand of our shop vac any longer and so went any chance of purchasing filters for it.  Whatever happened to allowing a bit of a stash on hand for returning customers?  There is only so many times that Dennis can use my wallpaper brush to clean it or bang it on the city utility box.  Lowe’s was one of our stops.  Our patio porch gets daily use, and with a few four footed felines running in and out, a good running vac with a lot of suction is most important. 

I had a tough day making a purchase.  It was not the dollar amount but the choice of product.  My 2006 Canon Sure Shot camera is kaput.  Dennis asked me yesterday how I got a photo on my post of him washing off the house yesterday.  “Honey, it’s all about keeping a file of photos of previous times.  It’s about a current happening message using a backup for a photo reference.”   I did purchase a Nikon.  It is the same physical size which is nice to pop into a pocket.  The old one had 8.0 pixels and this Nikon has 20.1 pixels.  Basically it has the same operational menu which is very important for me.  I need to stay minimal.  In the scheme of things I believe $89.00 does fit into that minimal slot.  The memory card was transferred over and all seemed well as I explored the new toy.  Bummer.  I do not have a USB cord that has a small enough connection for downloading the photos.  Dang, back to that same hardware store tomorrow that I had kind of left a hint of disappointment about the vac filter.  Oh well, crow doesn’t taste like the worst thing I have ever eaten.

We had a tenuous trip home from Mankato in regard to the rain.  We put the pickup right into the garage when we hit Stauffer Avenue as hail could have been a possibility.  The weather is unpredictable for the remaining night.  It has been a constant rumble of thunder for the last hour and hard rain coming in spurts. I will be very thankful for no winds or warning of something worse.  My prayer is for everyone to be safe.