A Thursday
It is a habit to check the temperature, humidity and dewpoint first thing in the morning. It does spur me on to get dressed and head on outside before I really think about it.
Snuggles and I worked on the Crab Grass situation until 9:30. The wheelbarrow was full and grass seed was ready to be watered down. It is amazing even early on in the morning hours how hot the sun can feel on my scalp. I do have a hat, it just seems to get in the way.
I came in, cooled down and read a bit in the west porch, the entire while seeing the sprinkler in my peripheral vision. At twelve noon . . . the water got shut off. Hopefully we are to get rain during the late night and early mornings. Rain always does more than hose water.
As I geared up to do some stitching, it again struck me how individual we are when picking out fabric to work with. Rita, rest her soul, had fabric and kits that she had envisioned working up. I am honoring what she had planned. Fabric companies put together kits. Of course they always display the finished item within their quit shops as a come-on. This particular kit is of the Minkee fabric line. It is close to a stretch velvet but much more durable. It will end up being 48″ x 50″. As the finish is quite slippery, it needs to have a lot of pins in place to stitch out
well in the seam allowance. As I look at it as it is being put together, I puzzle over what fabric and what color should be on the back. I think I will take it one step at a time. Hmm. I am seeing something in black. Flannel does do well with Minkee.
Dennis has had a great day. In weeks past, friend Dwayne has shared items with Dennis as Dwayne is moving into town. Dwayne just wanted things “gone.” Dennis’ grandson was thrilled to have all the shotgun shells. There were many bridals that Dennis spent time on oiling up and cleaning up. As Dennis was driving past the fairgrounds this morning, there were two gals working their routines with their horses in the arena. Dennis stopped in and found out that these gals were from New Ulm and they like to work their horses out in various arenas. Dennis came home and told me he was off to share goodies. The two gals took all that Dennis had cleaned up and couldn’t believe a total stranger would be so generous. That’s how Dennis rocks.
Here we are getting ready for supper and we both have had a great self satisfying day.
Tomorrow, no dirty finger nails for me. I am going to Mankato and us stitchers are meeting at one of the outdoor parks. Fun times.