A theater of seasons here on Stauffer Avenue. Dennis was sure the snow of last night would miss us . . . not! It was music to my ears as I realized, though it was just getting daylight, Randy and his green snow moving machine was going up and down our driveway. Randy and Jan live adjacent to us to the north. Randy works for John Deere here in St. James and owns some amazing green toys.

Randy left just enough snow for me to take care of close to the doors and buildings after I had enjoyed several cups of coffee. One must be mindful of keeping track where the city snowplows have gone. You might think the end of the driveway has been cleared. I went back and did a bit of snow pushing at the driveway to 11th St. as well as Dennis’ driveway for the pickup garage which faces on Stauffer Ave.

It was a good hour workout. I looked out a bit ago and with the bright powerful sun I see bare spots on the driveway and our front door sidewalk is totally clear. I enjoyed the fresh air and treated myself to more coffee.