A Snow Pushing Day
Flurries are in the air and it gives pause to pushing some snow as getting fresh air and some exercise. Our winter seems to be snits and starts on snowfalls. Nothing heavy. Compared to the east coast, I’ll take this every time.
My experiment wall hanging is complete. Am I totally satisfied? Of course not. I have yet to meet or visit with a quilter who they feel their faux pas are not glaring. At least the prom dress fabric is out of the stash designation. The brass washers and beads are acceptable as buttons. I do have a hanger on the back of it. I do need to find a better way to hang my finished wall hangings when I do the photo op. Oh for the challenges of domestic crafters. If all were perfect, there
would no doubt be a label indicating it had been mass produced in China. My projects give me joy in experimenting as to what I can do and how I can do it perhaps differently. Yes, also with a bit more articulation. My children know that some of my “end results” may beg the question as to whether I had both eyes open or not (smerk). Using the stitch design one by one also worked well for binding the design block to the batting and backing.
All in all this will be ready to share next Christmas. I did do these embroidered designs of the “12 Days of Christmas” on several other types and colors of fabrics. Hopefully, I will gain insight on techniques that will better serve the end result.
It’s time to use that snow pusher and clear the driveway before chicken tittes are fixed for supper with a side of green beans. Sounds good to me.