A Resting Spot

House Plants Thriving
As we are in the midst of heat advisories I can almost forget about the temps when I sit in the back patio. The Koi pond has the water fountain that bubbles nonstop and gives the illusion of cool waters. I always kick my houseplant outside during the summer. They enjoy rain water and even some dapple of sun. The west end of the Koi pond has been built up by Dennis to allow for plants to hover over the pond as well as giving the Koi a chance for hiding. Sad to think about having to take the plants indoors before long. They have really thrived and sprouted some great color. They have done so well that they will need a bit more real estate over winter. We’ll worry about that when we need to. Right now this area of the patio is my all time favorite in the early mornings before I retreat into the basement sewing room.