A Record

We needed to be in Mankato at nine this morning for an appointment.

After that, it was a stop at Sam’s Club.  I appreciate having a pantry that can go a long time before short trips to our local grocer’s for a little bit here and a little bit there.

Dennis’ breakfast box contains a banana muffin, three Oreo cookies and a plastic fork.  The muffins are huge and come six to a container.  We purchase three containers and when we arrive home, each muffin is put into a sandwich bag and then into the freezer.  Every night before Dennis goes to bed, he packs his breakfast box.  I don’t care for the muffins but Dennis says they taste as fresh on the 18th day as they did on the first day.  Whatever floats his boat.

Our freezer space is whatever we can fit into the refrigerator’s freezer.  I do not believe in freezing cardboard boxes.  The Jimmy Dean sausages and the Ego muffins, each serving, is contained in a sealed storage pouch.  Those boxes are emptied into the right hand compartment of the freezer, aka: pick a meal.

It was also paper product purchasing today.  TP, paper towels and a bag of 300 of our good china plates.    

My splurge was a fairly good sized jar of herring.  Sweet!

We were home before twelve noon, a record of being home early in the day.  

After a noon snack, Dennis got the mower out to do the mowing and I worked with putting our haul of needed items away.  Very satisfying for both of us.  A trip to the big town wins it for the week.