A Quiet Day

Not much happening on Stauffer today.  A walk was enjoyed this morning before the winds got out of hand.

I putzed in the sewing studio off and on.  The most physical thing I did today was take the bugs off of the front of the car.

The neighbor came over and helped Dennis find a broken wire on the Cub-Lo-Boy.  Dennis had noticed yesterday when he was mowing that it wouldn’t keep a charge unless he ran it wide open.  The broken wire may well have gotten polarized.  Randy said that Dennis should it run next week for mowing and if that were the case he would take care of it.

The high winds have brought about a cold shower of rain this late afternoon.  Hmm.  I hope the lilacs and the ornamental crab tree can hang onto their blossoms so they have a chance of showing off their beauty next week.

It is tomato soup and fried egg sandwiches for supper.  It is the weekend and I am hopping everyone kicks back and takes some time for themselves . . .  I started early today.