A Puddle Jumping Day
We have a thaw going on outside.
Believe me when I say it is a puddle jumping Day. It was a first hand experience. With so many medical appointments we had put off haircuts. We were ready for dog licenses. Dennis’ niece Brenda has the Curry Comb here in town. She is closed on Mondays, so I had this morning pegged last week for 10:30. We both felt wonderful. The last time we had visited her shop was two weeks before Christmas.
There are puddles hiding ice . . . and a lot of it. Dennis had left me off at the walkway of their boulevard. I took one step up with my cane and three backward to catch my balance. A bit of a wet shoe was all that happened.
Interesting tid-bit from Brenda. Yesterday she received her income tax refund from the filing she did ten months ago. She had called several times only be told that it was being processed. We had to pay in and I am here to tell you it took a gnat’s second in time to cash our check. Go figure.
It was sunny enough that the patio kitties thought they were going to escape the patio porch for the first time in a long time. Nope . . .they wanted to sit in the open doorway and look out. That didn’t fly with Dennis.
Yesterday when Dennis went to Lewis Drug for some supplies for changing the dressings on his foot, he came home in shock. The most expensive item was beta dine, also known as Iodine. It was $15.60. Not long ago, it would have been less than $1.00. Someone is scalping.
This afternoon was a good day to be in the studio with KNUJ radio on. I find it interesting to hear what other small towns are doing to keep their heads above covid.
This evening for supper we are having a skillet meal that I found in Hy-Vee. Dennis chose it. It is Korean Bar-B-Q flavored chicken that is finished off by heating the chicken cubed or in strips in a skillet and then putting the flavored Bar-B-Q sauce over it. Nothing ventured nothing gained. It is a brand I have seen advertised on television called “Kevin’s.” I will be sure to let you know how it was.
Snow showers are coming with perhaps rain and drizzle.