A New Day —
I will never get weary of fabric and thread, but getting a new spin gives me a spurt of energy. I know I have quite a few designs to choose from so the plain turquoise blocks will add a bit of a punch.
— A new idea. I ran across a panel of heartfelt sayings that I had purchased from The Old Alley Quilt Shop a time back. Out came the stashes to see what I could do with it. Since the new sewing machine came on site, it gave me a new insight of possibilities. I had spent most of yesterday trying to draw out a design, complete with colored pencils. This morning, I scrapped that and decided to quit trying to re-invent the wheel, just go with the four patch already! Incorporating the printed blocks with it made for a good challenge.
Dennis was very much in favor of the colors I had picked. It isn’t quite like a southwest color scheme, more of a bright color scheme for the dead of winter. The photo may portray it as a red, but it is a very bight coral. Getting the measurements that are required has now been done, as well as a test square using the embroidery aspect of sewing. I think I am really going to enjoy creating as I go with the turquoise blocks.
Now that I have the idea in place and the size of the blocks I will use, there is definitely going to be an ole cowboy called into service to help run the rotary cutter. Zoom, zoom, and Dennis has strips cut in one svelte swoop.
After working very hard on the ice on the front steps, I know I can lure him in with a cup of coffee. When the front awning slid all the snow off, it became an ice pack on the steps. Our insurance is paid up, but no one needs to get hurt coming to Stauffer Avenue, even if it is a Jehovah’s witness standing out there waiting for the door that will never be opened to them.