A New Addition to Stauffer – Part 2
We did pay the ransom for Butter Ball at the vet clinic. Not a peep out of him all the way home. In times past when it was Honey Bunny’s time in the carrier, she bawled all the way to the clinic and all the way home.

Butter Ball is ready to
take on the world.
Just as predicted, the carrier was opened and the cat did scat. Not hide nor hair to be seen or heard of. We left well enough alone as I know the entire procedure and adventure must have been frightening.
Dennis went out to the garage porch after supper and out of the depths of the garage Butter Ball appeared. The gal at the clinic made us aware that Butter Ball would be quite immobile for perhaps the rest of the day. Yeah, right. He was on the go almost as if experiencing a medicinal high. In days before, Dennis has rescued a tray of garden bulbs that would soon be planted that Butter Ball has also discovered and the tray was put up quite high. Apparently one had succumbed to the playful cat and that was now the center of attention as Butter Ball batted the bulb every which way. We can attest that the medical procedure did not squelch Butter Ball’s enthusiasm.
Honey Bunny still does the hiss as she walks by Butter Ball to affirm her being the boss.
Life on Stauffer is back on track.