A New Addition

Addition to Our Garage Wall Art
I have always used our gently worn north garage wall to display garden art. What can it hurt to have one more nail or hook embedded into the wood? It’s our home and we want our home to reflect who we are. Dennis is an old time rodeo cowboy from the days when he would enter the rodeo when it came to St. James. By putting his name on the entrance it granted an immediate $20.00 in his pocket. If he had success it could mean additional money. His last rodeo was when he was 40 putting himself on a bucking bronco. That little ditty speaks to the wall art that is now a part of the garage wall art.
My addition to the garage wall came about today after being at physical therapy from my reverse should replacement. I knew I could find some exercise at some place at our home to replicate what I had experienced at the hospital gym. What was at the gym looked like it could reconfigure itself to be a part of the Terminator movies. My left arm needs to gain strength in the back portion of the deltoid muscle. I don’t think I will be ready for any sequel to the “Rocky” movies but this was what I could come up with for an arm work out in addition to the once a week physical therapy appointments that will soon be coming to an end. I need to stand two to three feet from the wall and use the elastic band in each hand to pull and punch out at shoulder height. I am determined and time will tell with my next visit to see Mike at the hospital on the 22nd of July. Catch ya later.