A Great Day for Catching Up

Noreen and Sue During Working Times
I have mentioned before that relationships either grow or they die and today the growth went forward. I have known Sue Wiltse since the mid 1970s. Sue worked in the Faribault County Assessor’s Office at the time I came on board in Watonwan County. There have been lots of mandatory meetings to keep pace with legislation pertaining to rules and regulations of assessment of real estate that turned over into real estate tax dollars.
Men dominated the profession at that time so it was natural to check out the meeting rooms and gravitate to a kindred soul. Sue and I soon realized we had husbands and kids in common and that was all it took for the ground work of a good relationship. Sue and I are now both retired but make time for lunch and to meet in Fairmont. You just can’t beat Perkins for good food and they are very gracious if a bit more time is spent visiting. Over time we have shared tales of woes and many more tales of happiness. This was a great day.
It turned out to be a really good thing for her husband Dan and my Dennis. We left Perkins with caramel apple dessert for them. Priceless.