A Fun Recovery Project Finished
In May I had posted a photo of what would be a portion of this project I was working on. Today I can tell you it is finished. Oh yes, it took me eight weeks of starting and stopping as the energy would allow. I just wouldn’t have felt like there would be a successful recovery on the shoulder replacement if I could not have a bit of threads, batting and thimbles lying about. I had the basic prep work of the front of the wall hanging layered onto the batting and the backing. When I thought I could swing manhandling a quilting hoop propped on the dining room table the progress was slow but steady. The hand quilting was very satisfying. What I had not counted on was all of the additional binding that would be required with the four smaller banners hanging on the larger one that has the winter scene. As I was putting the button holes onto the straps that would bring the four small banners in their rightful place it was with relief. I knew that oh yes, I had bitten off more than was chewed comfortably. There was no turning back and the thought of leaving a project unfinished is against all that my Mom had ever taught me. In visiting with a few of the other gals that love to putz in crafty manners it always surprises me just how much time and the amount of resources that are tied up to be finished at a later time. Not this cat.

Too Many Men aka: Snowmen
Now that I have the go ahead to be out in the yard and doing some hands on gardening, I needed to get the hanging sleeve sewn onto the back of the wall hanging. Of course my garage wall off of the patio is the perfect spot for me check out the end result. When Christmas is over and we still may have waist deep snow, the wall hanging entitled “Too Many Men” – referring to snowmen – can be put up and enjoyed. My sewing area is tidy and neat until such time when the sun is too hot and the bugs are too many and I am driven back to it to start something else. Actually, though nothing is physically laid out as I was mowing the yard this morning, I did have a few thoughts flit through the white hair of what may be the next latest and greatest project. Thoughts such as those make me wonder how anyone can be bored. My belief is that only boring people get bored.