A Fun Day in Odin

1923 Odin Feed Mill with the railroad servicing it, before remodeling

2013 Odin Craft Mill, after remodeling
Today I spent part of the day visiting the City of Odin, population 18. For three weekends in the spring and three weekends in the fall there is a craft show. The Odin Craft Mill has more than 150 vendors from five different states showing their wares. All of the mill machinery is still in place and the owner has worked around all of it perfectly. In time, a Montgomery Ward home was found on a vacant farm place and moved onto and added to the site. Oh yes, in days of old a home could be ordered through the Montgomery Ward catalog. Both floors of the home, including closets, hide wonderful treasures. A later addition was a gutted out and a two-story dairy barn was also connected to the splendor. The second floor of the barn is the Christmas area. The home is to the right of the above remodeled feed store and the barn has been added onto the back of the home. It is an amazing undertaking and the community club pitches in and serves food as a fundraiser for the small community. It takes me hours to look over everything. I don’t want to miss anything when it comes to the stitching in the quilts or how the glue was applied to the crafts. It’s just a “me” thing. I topped the visit off with a cup of coffee and some great chitchatting. Their weekends are Thursday through Sunday, so you never can tell if I will second-think something and head back over for another “look see.”