A Full Day

Both Dennis and I had our day planned out.

Dennis was going to remove everything in the car garage to first blow it out and then wash the floor, complete with bubbles.

My plan was to take our small vacuum and start at the west end of the house.  The west porch on our home is my make-shift bedroom, home office, reading and stitching room.  It is also our front door.  It fills all of those items perfectly.  The flooring in it is inlaid vinyl.  Meaning the pattern on the surface goes all the way through the product.

I have a 4″ platform for my bed that has the only carpet on it in the entire home.  4″ may not seem like a lot of assist.  I have my right arm and leg to get me into bed.  I’ll take all the help I can get.   Without letting me know what he was doing, Kevin had it in place when I came home from the hospital, myself now knowing how a stroke can effect going from point “A” to point “B”.  I have tried getting into bed without it.  Our bedding is very high and I don’t feel safe without it.  Slipping off the edge of the bed would not be a good thing.

I continued with my cleaning and Dennis continued with the garage cleaning.

At three Dennis thought it would be a good thing to have a dish of ice cream.  I agreed.  After the ice cream break I helped Dennis get everything back in place in the car garage.  I will say that we do not have much extra in the garage.

We were worried about Snuggles in the last several days.  Monday night, Dennis had to pick him up from the lawn where he had lain all day.  I could see him from the bathroom window.  Dennis carried him into the patio porch and put him down on the floor.  Snuggles is a huge heavy cat.  Dennis, from what he could surmise, Snuggles remained there all of yesterday.  He has such heavy fur and we think the heat got the best of him.  There was plenty of fresh water, but he could have cared less.  This forenoon, Snuggles got up and drank.  He could very well have gotten up during the night and we would have had no notice.  This afternoon Snuggles did go outside.  Kids!

We are having Subway for supper. 

With that I take my leave. ♥