A Full Day!
As I was thinking of getting out of bed this morning, I could hear that the handyman was already in the garage working on the overhead door in the garage for Dennis’ pickup. It is so like us to take for granted that the 26-year-old spring for the door would last forever. Not! By 9:30 a.m. the handyman was packing up his tools. The door is operational for now and Dennis is one happy camper. It hurt that his little red pickup had to sit out in the driveway for two nights.
Dennis began cleaning up the floor of the garage, and before we knew it, we were in full swing of cleaning the car garage. Out went the car and in came the vacuum. The pickup garage, the car garage and the garage porch are all connected via doorways. We just dribble from one spot to another. Every cleaning job requires a break now and then and the rocking chairs in the porch are close on hand for just those breaks. Everyone stores things in the rafters of outbuildings, don’t they? I donned the stepladder and began handing down odds and ends of things, some of which were in the rafters in 1989 when the house was bought. Dennis and I have added to the stored items, and today was the day to give the rafters a lift. Dennis started the fire ring and the odd, old wood pieces were burned and the recycling bin got its fair share of items. The dust on high was more like silt than not. I do have to add that the garage cats also liked the rafters. Yes, whatever I touched to hand to Dennis was nasty. My two cane fishing polls will remain in the rafters. You never know when you run across just the right worms to give you the incentive to wet a cork.

As I was cleaning the back seat of the car, Butter Ball found his way in for what he might have known was his last hurrah. Sorry guys, no more kitty condo in the Lincoln.
Both Dennis and I washed our hands for noon lunch and decided, as we were filthy, we might as well make it a day of cleaning. While Dennis washed the pickup, I started to detail my car. My bad. In times past, I would leave the car windows partially open and the garage cats didn’t mind checking out the inside of the car on their way down from the rafters. Once I realized what was going on, I got complacent and one month turned into several. No more. This was the limit. I went through a lot of duct tape as I worked to extract cat hair of three different colors from the car mats and anything else that was of a fabric construction. The vacuum would only take so much, but not much can escape the sticky side of duct tape. I was very thankful the seats are leather. I will remember all the work it took to clean the car. The windows will stay up on the car while in the garage. Yes, Dennis also needed to detail his little red pickup for the self same issue. Dang pets. They get away with more than our kids did.
After a full day of grubbing it, showers ran a bit muddy for the first bit. Today reminded me of the filth when Dad had us kids clean the oats bin before the new crop would be harvested. To be truthful, getting down right dirty feels good. We have something worth cleaning and we care enough to tackle it . . . and perhaps learn a lesson or two. Both vehicles had been washed by six this evening and I am sure that now, at seven, if I go into the garages, I am bound to see kitty prints on the roof of the car – to see if there might be a window cracked just enough for a crawl through.