A Day of rest for me. I went with Dennis to Mankato for a new face mask for his CPAP machine. We dined at Perkins and were home by 1:30. After sitting on neighbor Jan’s back steps to catch up on news of the neighborhood, I headed for the sewing studio . . . but not for stitching. With the possibility of this laptop totally dying on me, I needed to clean up files that I have for the embroidery library. It is far too easy to download files on flash drives for stitching, plug the flash drives into the the sewing machine to read and stitch and then not put them into tidy folders so they can be easily found the next time I need them. Today was a day of rest from stitching, but also a needed day to keep my stitching designs ready for a time when needed. As this laptop is elderly, I plugged in the Click Free external backup . . . just in case.
I have learned one thing about downloading designs. Not all sites for embroidery designs are as good as others. If you have a “Grade A” design it can be manipulated into the size you want your finished product to be right on the laptop. Individual designs may be saved in various sizes for future use. Live and learn. The “take it or leave it” sized designs can only be manipulated if you buy into a software program for the alterations. I am very content using the site that gives me satisfaction without more bells and whistles.
I can report that there is no snow in our yard today, February 17, 2017.