A Day
This is a day of sweet sentiments. I prefer the thoughtful sentiments of memories rather than the material sentiments.
Decades ago, it was all important to get the Valentine boxes that had been made at the kitchen table, nights on end, to the school for the grade school parties. Sweet memories. I don’t know if the little ones now even have the option of those sweet boxes. One of Dennis’ great nieces posted that the kids in that school were given brown paper bags that they could take home and decorate for the next day party in their class. Hmm.
On this day, I have just finished in the studio for the day. All of the hardware that I had for the zipper tapes were completed yesterday. Today I made sure that all the zippers were such that the zipper pull hardware would remain on the rails wherever and whenever they were called into service.
Usually no one else is about in the studio. There are times when Dennis’ daughter, Sandy, comes and her two small granddaughters are with. There is no dust bunny safe if that happens. They have come up from the studio with things in hand I had left out. I can only imagine the zippers lying on the table with the shiny pulls just waiting to have a tug.
For my own personal well being, I don’t like to have items in the stashes of the studio that would appear to have no use as I didn’t follow through. I like the mission completion feeling.
Before I came up from the studio, I sifted through the specs of some patterns I had downloaded. There is always thought for another day.
This evening Dennis and I are having Subway for supper. Splitting a foot-long is all that either of us can put away. Our favorite is tuna with lots of toppings.
It’s very gray out with heavy air. KNUJ reported snow but when I checked the weather map, some snow went north of us and some went south. I am sure we will be included with what is coming next.
I trust all of you find joy today and with that it may bring a smile.
With that I will take my leave. ♥