A cool day meant a great time to get out into the gardens. So very many volunteer trees: Oak, Cottonwood, Ash, Elm, Maple and Black Walnut. The winds did a great job of sharing seeds from many yards. Don’t get me wrong, some of the trees we have grown to heights of ten to 20 feet are from volunteers, but there is a limit. We have had a huge amount of rainfall, and this morning, me and the kids – Butter Ball and Snuggles – spent a large amount of time pulling the volunteer trees up by the roots. Once this rainfall dries the soil, those little trees do not pull up, and the only hope is to continue snipping them off until they just give up.
There has been a lone peony in the far east portion of our acre that has been been begging to join the rest of the perennials closer to the patios. Today that can be checked off of the list of things that I want to get done this fall. I dug the hole that would be the new home with Butter Ball helping as if he had trained for this his entire, short life. I did add some fertilizer to the hole accompanied it with some water from the Koi pond. I headed off to the far east to dig up that lonely peony. It did take me quite awhile as that plant has been there long before we added that lot to what we already had.
Dennis got back home from errands to help in bringing back some of the tools. I had no idea when I headed out if I would need a sharp shooter or if a sand shovel would work. The amount of rain we have had was evident as the water had not as of yet all soaked in on the new hole for the peony.
Keeping the yards tidy is a job that can’t be ignored. Dennis and I both feel content when we sit on the patios and look over our little estate, knowing it is as good as we are able. It’s a good thing.