A Balmy Sunday
49 degrees with a slight breeze. A breeze sure beats a wind.
I have made an observation. When I do dishes looking to the north to neighbor Jan’s home, in this bright sunshine, an area of her foundation is thick with boxelder bus. Not just thick but in actual clumps. It is the only portion of their foundation that has river rock right next to it. Could it be that the sun warms those rock and all that is beneath it much more than where there is black dirt. Dennis did comment this noon that he has baby boxelders in the patio porch. No winning on the pest angle.
I spent my energy in the studio today. Working with cork fabric is amazing. With the bag I am working on, I am going to use up some hardware from pre-stroke projects. Attaching hardware takes some extra support on the backside, be it cotton, canvas or cork fabric. It all takes planning and patience. My endeavors are not perfect, but they are the best I can do.
My bag project is more like a shopping bag. One set of straps on each side of the bag. The hardware seen in the photo is the one side of the bag. A total of four hardware applications were made. I haven’t decided how long each of the two straps need to be. I have shown, by the short sample, that the cork straps will have a strip of the lining fabric running the length. I really like this brilliant red for a contrast. The cork color is tan and gold. Before sewing the sides up on the bag there will need to be cut-outs on each corner that will end up making a bottom on the bag of about 4.5″ in width. Nothing says nothing, like a good challenge in the studio.
Taking the project in stride and stepping away from time to time works well for me. Haste makes for mistakes.
This week may actually feel as if spring has not forsaken us.