A Balmy Day

Though a bit on the windy side of things, 36 degrees is acceptable.

We have just completed the first change of Dennis’ dressing for his left foot since the new orders.

Hydrofera is blue in color and has the consistency of a sponge.  I am applying it to the area of the incision that needs to heal and close.  What this blue sponge does is to wick away and extradite debris from the wound, aka: pus.  I am willing to do whatever is offered to us for healing.  Dennis is on the same page with me.  I have mastered the art of using a roll of gauze, all 4.1 yards.

I can tell you that my “C” batteries are the best.  We are back on board with KNUJ.

What’s this I hear about snow coming this next week!  Us stitchers were going to get together next Thursday.  That may not happen.  Whatever this winter brings . . . it can’t last forever.  I am fortunate.  I gleaned that via the stream of text messages that the weather forecast brought on.  I am fortunate in the fact that I do not experience cabin fever.  Time will tell.  My text message allowed them to know that when the dust has settled on changing the date, just let me know when we would plan on getting together.  So be it.

Supper is going to be soup and toast.  Neither one of us came even close to breaking a sweat today.

That’s all folks!