Enjoying a regular day at home. yes, Dennis is uncomfortable, it is to be expected. He relays that it felt like a wood fence post was being installed in his neck. I don’t think a stint is quite that bulky, but then how much work is needed for surgeons to maneuver instruments, moving and stretching tissue and skin. The most disappointing thing for him was that he couldn’t sleep through the procedure as they needed him to communicate by verbally repeating either numbers or letters when instructed. I get it. I also know how difficult it was to be willing to go through with this second surgery when Dennis knew what he would be in for. Hey, I chickened out and had both of my knees done at one time as I knew my tendency would be to put off the second one beyond what would have been wise.

In a week or so, Dennis will be feeling better. In a week or so we may have more signs that spring is here to stay. In the meantime, it is one hour at a time that turns into one day at a time and I am thankful that we have that to plan for.