Chili Kind of Day
This was a day when Chili needed to be fixed. Two pounds of browned ground beef was added to sautéed onions, yellow pepper and several stalks of celery. For some reason we had a huge can of tomato soup, like the kind that you would find in the canned items for benefit cooking. Time to use it up with a variety of spices. Simmering does wonders to Chili.
After letting the Chili simmer it was time to get the blue 12 Days of Christmas hung up in the sewing studio. Various techniques were used and a bit more pondering . . . I like it. Wonder of wonder when all the blue was cut on the length of the fabric rather than the width. The length has no stretch or give allowing for the sashing (in between the embroidered blocks) to lie very flat. Handling fabric has a tendency for stretching when cut on the width, and I have one set of embroidered blocks left to experiment with. Time will tell.
The project was hung and it was time to clean up the sewing area. One small piece of carpet and it must have collected every stinking thread that it could. The old Filter Queen vacuum is housed right under the table where my sewing machine sits. Wham, bam . . . get it done. When I am pondering fabric to use, I get a rather large array out of the stashes. It lies on the table, paring it with one or the other. It is amazing when you glance at the choices, as to which one pops and you know that that is the one. My blue storage box came down from the shelves and when I picked up the stash that had not been chosen . . . there it was. My rotary fabric cutter, resting nicely in between some of the blue fabrics. I had been looking for it for about a week. My . . . oh . . . my. This is why I had commented earlier that putting things back where they belong is going to keep me on track. I feel much better, and yes, it is on the shelf where it belongs.
What a day. The lost has been found, the sewing studio has been cleaned and ready for the next project. Best of all supper is just about ready.