Day Two of 2018
Yesterday I began peeking in closets and storage areas. This Friday our recycling bin will be filled and awaiting the truck. Not so much that I pitched items, it was all about getting rid of cardboard that may have held groceries that we had bought in case lots from Sam’s Club. Some items from our bedroom closet needed to be taken downstairs and put in storage totes that were less than full. On day two of 2018 there are empty spots in our bedroom closet and I see bare shelving in our storage area in the basement. It’s a good thing.
In between time I was thinking through a project that I have started. This is a project that I experimented with fabric that had been left over from a prom dress in times past. Not enough gold buttons on the button tree to get the job done, I used brass washers and beads to make my own buttons. Today as I was organizing storage areas, I hit on an idea with which to quilt within the nine inch squares of the project.
There are so many options with fancy running stitches on the sewing machine. Why use the running option of a stitch but rather start and stop the stitch and let it look like snowflakes! Time out to turn on the sewing machine and seek and search options. I have a “what if” cloth that I have used often to try out stitches or patterns. Sure enough. Taking the time to start and stop and figure out when to start and stop, I could use this stitch to quilt the nine inch block rather than using meandering or hand quilting. A step up from using embroidery floss to tie a quilting project. Tomorrow I will choose a light blue thread and see how many snowflakes it will take to do the quilting to hold the block in place with the batting and backing as often times, if laundered, you don’t want to take a chance of anything shifting. Stay tuned on how it all shakes out. It was a very good day even if it was too cold to run any errands. I left that to the ole cowboy and his little red pickup.