With all the lollygagging around this last week we did get a few items knocked off the “local effort” list. Dennis has new blades on his rider mower. What a relief to know that with maybe just one or two more mowings this fall, it will be ready to go next spring. When the blades are worn they don’t have the same lift for picking the grass up to be cut effectively.

I have the octagon window done in regard to a bit of scrapping, sanding, priming and painting. I would like to think that this is for several seasons, but it is south facing and time will tell.

Later this afternoon I sat on the patio thinking I would get a bit of reading in. Reading, if Snuggles didn’t think he had dibs on the lap with a need to rub on the edge of the book. Oh well, sitting and watching clouds go by doesn’t hurt me either. Having Snuggles snuggle in is about the only way I will sit still that long. It’s a good thing.