I stopped in at the Shopko Pharmacy yesterday as we were heading out to a picnic. As I was standing in line, I saw that the flu vaccines were available. One of the qualified gals were available, so I sat down and got that one done. I did not get a flu shot last year, only because I continued to put it off and then there was no vaccine available later on. Other than realizing the arm was a bit sore as the day wore on, there were and are no side effects as some have purported after such a shot.
Today was a quiet day for us. I spent hours sitting on the patio reading. Dennis checked his eyelids for cracks several times. Snuggles had no problem finding a place to lay on my lap as I turned pages in the book.
Being this lazy is very much out of character for me. Maybe after being retired for seven and a half years, it is finally sinking in that I can have a day with no local effort. I can’t believe I have said that. I’ll make up for it tomorrow as I did check out the length of the grass on the acre.