What a fantastic day.  As I was coming back from my walk this morning the air was great and the various birds seemed to be happy about the mild temps and low dew point.  The sounds of the birds, cars, trucks and semis along the county road are all usual and customary.

I had to really listen closely as a sound coming up from the rear was not usual and for sure not customary. I soon realized it was the sound of many pounding feet. School teams were out and about getting ready for their track team endurance runs.  Good manners and respect are alive and well.  Streams of runners, boys and girls, all took a bit of a bend around me bidding me a “Good morning.”  As I watched them all run by me I couldn’t help but wonder at all those strong legs and wonder if when they reached my age with the miles of wear and tear they would still feel like tearing up the tar.  I wanted to shout out “Cherish your knees!”