Thrills Via Cat Nip

It was the best ever morning for a walk. The clouds were so-o-o heavy I didn’t have to wear a long sleeve shirt or straw hat to protect from the sun. True to myself, I was still ready to sit on the patio upon returning to dry out. It was difficult to go into the house . . . so I didn’t. A few weeds were pulled before returning to the patio chair and the last of the coffee.

A heavy thump nearly made me spill my brew. Snuggles must have had a bit too much catnip and he found himself not only able to get on top of the patio porch, but he had jumped onto the patio umbrella. It was a merry-go-round of a ride. As he checked out each portion of the umbrella it twirled to counter act the weight of a tuned up cat. I knew he was in over his head as it was the first time I have actually heard him meow – and meow loudly he did.

It took some time before he had the gumption to jump back onto the roof of the patio porch. What a cat. After he wangled his way down the lilac branches he took the rest of the afternoon off and slept off the cat nip on the bagger attached to the lawnmower.