What a bummer when the weather man is correct . . . this is the steamiest day yet. When I checked the details for St. James on my notebook this morning, I knew I would not be hitting the asphalt county road today for my walk. Yesterday morning it had taken me quite a while before I dried out and today would have been worse. With the dew point at 82 and temperature at 76 degrees by 8 a.m., this senior citizen was staying put.

I did a bit of housework, then traded out some time on the sewing machine and then hit Dennis’ Cardio Mini Cycle. After three rotations of activity, I feel I did give it my best considering the day. I recalled what Kevin had shared about the Mini Cycle when he encountered one at Frank and Elise’s house . . . decades ago in the early 70s.

We had been ask to their home in Buffalo Lake for supper. Afterwards us four adults stayed in the kitchen visiting and Carrie and Kevin moved on into the living room to watch television. Low and behold Frank had a mini cycle near his chair in the living room. Kevin tells that for the majority of the evening he laid on the carpeted floor peddling the mini cycle while watching the tube. You got it! Kevin recounted that the next day he could hardly walk. I did bare that in mind as I clocked in some time on Dennis’ mini cycle. It’s not the real deal for me. I would be hard pressed to trade the actual walking for the mini cycle, but in a pinch . . . .