Good Ka-Noodling

Oliver's Quilt

I have had very successful ka-noodling, aka: brain teasers. Some of Oliver’s treasures for his quilt were larger than others. Out came the graph paper. 8″ blocks will surround the larger 10″ blocks. It did hurt to cut up such beautiful clothes for this project. Dennis and I both commented how both of our kids were raised with hand-me-downs and they kept getting handed down until they were mere dust rags. That was then and this is now . . . a work in progress. Ironing stabilizer onto 57 items to then be cut to the correct sized block will be the next step. Slow going. You can bet that as the days progress, I will be taking advantage of a fairly long patio coffee break each morning after my walk. The walks will allow for me to continue ka-noodling as the challenges in this project arise.