Here is the Problem

2016 Spring 003 (400x300)

These delicate little flowering plants are the ones I am trying to kill off with Roundup. First out of the dirt in the early spring the greenery looks like chives. Then from the base comes this white flower looking very innocent. Then the plants become invasive strangling everything else. 


hosta whoos

This is a photo of the roots of a hosta.  I dug up several hosta that I saved before doing the Roundup kill. Today I found new homes for those hosta. Before I did that I tipped the hosta over and began cleaning out all of the unwanted volunteer bulbs of the invasive white flowering plants. The little white pods that can be seen on this photo are the self same invasive plant bulb encroaching on the hosta roots. It was a timely job but I picked out each white bulb before planting this hosta in a new location. You can see one huge white bulb that has been making a home under this hosta for some time. Nasty little devils.  The best luck I had was actually washing off all the dirt from the hosta roots to get a clean job of it.