Pats on the Back

Yes!  Dennis and I are patting each other on the back for having gotten the yards mowed and manicured yesterday. Guess what?  It has been raining off and on all day.

Our patio porch and the yards are our salvation when it comes to keeping us in shape, busy and happy.  Gardening is a002 (Custom) crap shoot.  If something doesn’t grow in one spot, you try another.  If all else fails and you can’t win for loosing you move on.  That is what has happened here on Stauffer Avenue.  We have too much shade to grow vegetables.  We have moved on to perennials for flowers.  Sometimes even perennials don’t work.  Somewhere along the line a birdie pooped a seed into my yard.  I have noticed the plant every spring for quite a few years.  The plant knows no boundaries.  It had taken over a rather large area off of the patio.  There was nothing to do but do a drastic “kill.”  Prior to using Roundup I dug out the hostas that were being smothered and then applied a very strong spray.  It took some time, but in the end nothing resists Roundup

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This is such an improvement from the heavy foliage that had taken over this area. Yup, a few more bags of mulch and a steady supply of Roundup . . . it will be doable.

Even though it rained off and on today, we were determined to take back that area that had been killed off and make it look like it belonged on Stauffer Avenue.  There won’t be any plants in that area for a while.  The mulch does have Preen in it that we spread onto the area.  Next spring if there are some unwanted plants still trying to take over, another application of Roundup will be applied and as many more applications as it takes.  It is a large area and Dennis is correct, we need a bit more of the Preen-dosed mulch that needs to be gotten from Lowe’s.  For now, Dennis and I moved a few nice sized rocks into the area.  All it took was to get a scoop shovel close to these large rocks that we have had in the background, slide the rocks onto the shovel and then . . . PULL!  Never under estimate the power of the team of older ones here on Stauffer Avenue.