This morning, I realized too late I should have taken a pair of light gloves with me on my walk. A little extra of the swinging of the arms helped get as much circulation going as possible. It was down right cold with a brisk northwest wind. The gal that was mowing the cemeteries on the county road was suited up with a winter jacket and cap. This cool weather is really a bummer. I never realized how much I took for granted to being outside now that it is the month of May. I have several bags of mulch laced with Preen that I would love to work with.

Today as I finished up a shirt remodeling, Dennis peeled boiled eggs for me. Having egg salad on hand is my go to for a snack. If that snack is on hand, I tend to overlook the cookie jar. As I worked with the peeled eggs getting it mixed with lots on onions, Dennis shared how difficult they were to peel. That explained the extra large eggs looking less than they should have. You know what? For the price of eggs being very reasonable and the help that Dennis gave me . . . I so appreciated the help. This batch of egg salad is very, very yellow and loaded with a lot of protein. Life shared on Stauffer Avenue is the best ever.