Spring Has Arrived

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The tulips that once were as a Valentine potted treasure is gracing one of several spots around our home for us to enjoy year after year. They are very delicate compared to the garden tulips from bulbs planted years ago.  These blooms inspired Dennis and me to get the acre mowed, trimmed and tidied today. What a great workout. The first time the mowers, trimmer and rakes are used is always the challenge as you need to get all the branches picked up before the mower hits them. Sharp blades are important. Having two batteries to swap out in the trimmer helped me follow Dennis on the rider mower. Tidy, tidy. I can assure you we are off the clock for the remainder of the day.  It was just a great sunny day as we took time out to have several breaks in the work sitting on the patio sharing a can of pop.  Life is sweet on Stauffer Avenue.