When I think what I could have done if YouTube videos were in place while I was trudging my way through young parenthood. In the 1940s and 1950s every home was made to feel guilty if there were not an expensive set of encyclopedias sitting on a bookshelf for information seeking instances. Well, we did not have such a set. We actually had something better . . . we had Raymond and Lena as parents. I am sure all that was passed down to the four of us kids did not get handed to them any other way than trial and error. I do so treasure what I did learn at the elbow of those two stalwart individuals.
Today in my 70s, I can seek and search to my heart’s content watching a demo on a YouTube video just as if I were the only one taking advantage of it. Pause, backup, pause and then maybe see it through to the end. No books are needed to culture up my sewing studio, though I would give up my titanium knees to have Raymond and Lena telling me, “I don’t want to tell you how to do it, but . . . ”
The modern highway to learning is just fantastic . . . sprinkled with just the right amount of inherited logic.