The Final Test
It really isn’t news any longer when rain amounts can be reported. Thunder boomers in the early hours brought an additional two tenths in the rain gauge. Sun has eluded us again. This morning I really didn’t care if it was gloomy, Dennis and I had plans.
Yesterday was a seven week recheck with new x-rays of the left shoulder and a follow up visit with the surgeon. After his assessment of his handy work on the shoulder I had a few questions: could I use a weed whip, could I push a lawn mower that was not self propelled, and could I use the ladder at the Super 8 swimming pool to get into the pool and get out of the pool. The answer was a definite “yes”. He only listed two restrictions: I cannot split wood and I cannot operate a jack hammer. Hmm, there goes my summer jobs for a few extra dollars.
Dennis and I had a date and we were out to the pool by ten this morning. I really had missed this activity the last eight weeks even if the water wasn’t more than 82 degrees. My limit was fifteen minutes this first time back at the pool of wiggling my naughties aka: exercise. One pass of the pool length while totally under water using the arms and then a rest. One pass of the pool length doing the butterfly stroke and then a rest. One pass on my back with arms reaching backwards and propelling and then a rest. The hot tub felt great after that and I knew that I, for real, was back on tract. Sometimes one needs more affirmation of your own private final test other than what a doctor’s record records.