Whew! What a day it has been. There was a family gathering from my Dad’s side of the family. Cousin Dan hosted it in the St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Penn Township of McLeod County. Dan happens to own the church; lock stock and barrel. More to the actual; pews, bell, vestments and a fully stocked kitchen just as if the Ladies Aid had just finished hosting their latest luncheon.

I am just filled with good feelings as to the amount of work my family helped me with. Kevin and Kersten were in the kitchen orchestrating the parade of crock pots, fruit bowls, and desserts as they came in for the potluck meal. Carrie, Jeremy, Megan and Nicholas were manning the vacuum cleaner after the event was closing down, making sure the entire church basement was as we had found it.

Having a safe trip home, Dennis is in his recliner and I have my slippers on heading for enjoying some of the breakfast coffee.

It was a great gathering. We already have volunteers to work with Dan in two years for a repeat. Dennis said “Whew.”