True to myself, I am in either my fourth or fifth change of clothing today. This morning, the air was chilly and I needed my long sleeve and leg PJs to have coffee with Dennis in the porch. When Dennis left for a clinic appointment I went in and put on jeans and a long sleeve flannel shirt as the intent was to get the bathroom windows done complete with the screens. The sun was bright from the east and it gave me a chance to do a once over on the windows, go inside and do the windows to find out where the streaks were . . . inside or outside? It is spring and so came the small gnats and other flying bugs. I don’t want them to find their way into the open window that doesn’t have a screen on. I couldn’t believe how warm I got and in I went for a light cotton tee shirt. The temps were reaching the mid 60s.

I happened across a garbage can in the potting shed full of the pink-looking gravel that needed to be scattered onto the garden off of the patio. Hmm, it looks a lot like the rock that they use when they seal-coat streets. Did I mention Dennis has connections with the city crew? The house plants that have been in the porch, are now outside by the Koi pond. I dipped water from the pond and gave them a goodly amount of water to get them in the swing of spring. The extra weight of their pots wouldn’t hurt to keep them from tipping over in these strong winds.

About noon, I realized my friend Lorraine had prescriptions that needed to be picked up and delivered, plus I needed to run some errands for Dennis and me up town. I checked out the front of my tee shirt and it sure looked like I had been digging around in the dusty potting shed and playing with plants. A fresh up of the face and arms, a clean button shirt and I was off.

It was about 2:30 when I got home with the afternoon temps at 75. Off came the “up town button shirt” that just seemed way too warm for the remainder of the day.

I might add that today, Dennis has had on a tee shirt with a suede shirt over that. He has been comfortable in it all day. My internal thermostat has a very difficult time keeping me comfortable. I do not like to feel unduly warm as I am moving about. Yes, my dear Dennis, I have asked my doctor about it and there is nothing medically wrong with me. This body in motion, that wants to stay in motion, knows how to stay comfortable. Doing laundry of multiple swaps of clothing is a good trade off in the scheme of things.