What a day! I was given the opportunity to upgrade my TracFone. The one that is retiring is the very first cell phone I have ever owned. It had a tiny keyboard and it was very hard to hear incoming conversations. I had doubted my hearing at times. Having held onto this phone this long is not surprising, in light that my sewing machine served me for 45 years before an update. I do hang onto items with the old adage, “If you have something that you use and it is paid for, hang onto it as you may not have the resources to replace it.” For that adage, I can thank my Mom and Dad.
At this time, I know I have my children’s phone numbers into the contact list as well as Dennis’. This is going to be couch time this evening, putting in my contacts. Surprisingly the minutes carried over, all 2,876 of them. I am not a telephone person. I know my kids are busy and well or I would have been made aware of it. You could say, since retiring, I have gone underground. Radio Shack charged me $10.00 to activate the new phone. Pretty good deal, I would say. When I got home, I went online and found a tutorial on how to use the phone. Technology is amazing and so far I have been able to make it work for me.
At the end of this day, I am so thankful for individuals in my life who know me well enough to know what will help to make my life easier. Thanks Kevin and Kersten.