We have said our goodbyes to Dennis’ son, Ken, and are taking the early evening relaxing at our motel. There is a breeze and sitting outside feels pretty good.
I will never take the taste of cool to cold water coming from a faucet for granted ever again. The water coming out of a faucet here is tepid. Everyone runs about with bottled water.
The Honda cycle is locked and loaded on the two-wheel trailer we pulled out here to Apache Junction. Dennis and Ken have the straps holding the cycle to the trailer ratcheted down to the point that it took the shocks on the cycle down severely. There are a total of five straps. When Ken tried to shake the cycle, the entire trailer and cycle shook as one.
We will be taking it slow going back to St. James and you can bet Dennis will be checking those trailer straps often.
We have had a very safe trip thus far and I know the trip home will be more of the same.
Would I ever venture out this far from St. James again? It would take something quite amazing, I can tell you that. We have everything on Stauffer Avenue that people have here in Arizona, or those who come here for the winter. I can share with you that snowbirds from St. James tell us how economical things are in Arizona . . . not!
Dennis and I both are ready to enjoy the peace and quiet of the rocking chairs in the porch. Catch you tomorrow evening . . . if wi-fi is available.